Potholes, U-Turns and 4 Way Stops
A couple months ago, I got a phone call that would
completely change my life. Not only would it change my life, but it would
wreck me in the most insane yet most beautiful, perfect way ever. It would
cause me to completely surrender every part of me to our mighty Savior and push
me ever more to say "Not my will, but Yours be done." (Luke
22:42 “Father if you are willing, please take this cup
of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.”) Starting
from a very early age, there were things that I knew I wanted. I even wanted
them so desperately that I would reason with God like “If you give me this, I’ll
never eat chicken strips again” (he probably knew I was lying here). I thought
having what I wanted in life would make my life that much better because obviously
at age 8, I definitely knew what life should be like, right!? But I guess you
can say I learned early that life does not always play by the rule book. It
does not always play out how we intend it should. Natural disasters happen that
we have no control over like hurricanes, tornadoes, and flooding. Things such
as miscarriages and stillborn babies happen everywhere that turn lives upside
down. The roads we thought our lives would take are now filled with pot holes, U-turns,
stop signs, and four way stops. What are we supposed to do when our road called
“Life” begins to look like a construction site instead of the freeway?
When I got the call to take my two sisters in you better believe
Fear, the purple man, inside my head was going C R A Z Y trying to take over
the controls and sending out mayday calls (please watch inside out). I have the
HARDEST time with change. Change is one of my biggest weaknesses. When I was
younger, change happened constantly and from being in 16 homes throughout two
years, you can imagine why it is hard for me. Adding two children to the midst
of me, my tiny, tiny house and my somewhat chaotic life, definitely flipped me
sideways. I’m not the messiest person but I’m for sure not the cleanest. It’s
mainly my clean clothes just not being folded that pile up. But add two more
humans and that’s A LOT of clothes everywhere. Another thing was groceries. I
can survive off of the bare minimal but these children cannot do that. My tiny
house was overtaken. My life was flipped. And we had to develop new normalcy.
This past summer I attended Senior Camp in Tioga and while
there I had major breakthroughs with worry, fear and anxiety. I declared to God
and myself that I would no longer allow it to rule my life and be the deciding
factor of how my life operated. Worship sessions where I poured my all out to
God, changed me forever. Sermons and teachings that forever altered the way I
think and believe. Before this camp fear, anxiety and worry literally RAN my
life. I could never make decisions or say no to people without having the fear
of “Oh God, what are they going to say about me?” or “What if they get angry
with me?” I had fears from my childhood that pierced into every single aspect of
my life that hindered growth and hindered relationships. I lived my life based
off of my past and never truly felt freedom. Until this camp. I left Tioga as a
different Melinda with different mindsets. Here I am not even a year later
faced with a situation that has tried to break every single commitment I made
the week I was in Tioga. The Lord has brought those special, vulnerable and honest
moments back to remembrance. The moments where I was praying so intensely,
sweat began mixing with the gut wrenching tears that poured down my face. The
moments where I heard the tiny whisper of God saying, “You’re going back
changed never to return to the old you.” Moments where I declared to God I
wouldn’t become overwhelmed with the crippling fear and worry again. The Lord
has allowed those sweet moments to slowly but surely play inside my mind
reminding me of those commitments I made. Reminding me that fear has no control
over me.
In the beginning of receiving these two precious girls, anytime
I thought about the future, I’d crumble into fear and anxiety. Anytime I
thought about how I would be able to afford to feed two more mouths, I
crumbled. Anytime I thought about how my life was changing, I crumbled. I could
not think about anything but the now and what is in the current moment. I was
forced to think second by second, minute by minute. There was one scripture I
thought about so very often that got me through the crippling moments.
25 “That is why I tell you not
to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough
clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? 26 Look
at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your
heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they
are?27 Can all your worries add a single moment to your
28 “And why worry about your
clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or
make their clothing, 29 yet Solomon in all his
glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. 30 And
if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into
the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little
31 “So don’t worry about these
things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ 32 These
things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already
knows all your needs.33 Seek the Kingdom of God[a] above
all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
34 “So don’t worry about
tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough
for today. Matthew
6:25-24 NLT
This scripture got me through those first few days and weeks
and is what I cling so tightly to now. I like how it talks about the birds and how
they still survive. If something as small as a bird can make it through life finding
food, can we not trust that God will take care of us as well? If our Heavenly
Father takes care of the birds, can he not take care of us? If the flowers grow
so perfectly and beautiful, won’t he also care for me? Worrying how I was going
to take care of these children was not going to change the situation at all? It
surely wasn’t going to help either. It would only make me frantic and fearful. The
thoughts “What are we going to eat. What will they wear?” were absolutely
thoughts that I thought about and asked ALL the time. But I know without a
shadow of a doubt that God placed me here for a reason. If He put me here,
surely he will provide the necessities. And how could I doubt that when in RED,
Jesus says our heavenly Father already knows all our needs and if we seek his
kingdom first, he’d give me (us) all we need. (Red means Jesus said it by the
way). I lived and am still living out this scripture.
My life in the past two months has been H E C T I C to say
the absolute least. Not only has my life changed but so have these girls. They
are learning just as much as I am on how to adapt to their new life. I now only
have one, but not much has changed. It’s unique to watch how much she has grown
in the past two months. From schooling to everyday life, she is learning her
new normal. She is my little sidekick I never knew I needed who asks a
billion and one questions. Life is still unsteady and we aren’t sure of what
each day holds, but we are taking it all day by day. Regardless of where she
goes or who goes with, she knows that my house is always her little safe haven.
As I said earlier in the blog, life doesn’t always play by
the rules and you get some potholes in your road. But I have learned throughout
my (almost) 23 years of living that it doesn’t mean you have been abandoned or
forgotten. I’ve also learned, especially in this season, that God will use
those potholes, U-turns and 4 way stops to draw us closer to Him, change us and
to get rid of those things that are not of the Him; those things that do not
honor Him. The Lord has stripped me and is continuously stripping me of those
things making me more and more like Him. It’s not an easy process and it’s very
testy but whatever it takes to rid me of this world and fleshly desires. I have
always prayed for God to use me for His kingdom and I know for sure that is
what he’s doing in this season. I have an awesome opportunity to reach my sweet
girl in ways no one ever could. To teach her about the love of Jesus and
hopefully make an impact and if that is what this season does, then SO BE IT.