Fighting Against The Odds

left to right
Me, Kasey, Lorena.

                  3 Sisters. 3 Different Homes. 3 Different Stories

Reminiscing on what seemed like happened in a matter of seconds. 
Something that I keep replaying over and over. Something I keep thinking about because it was such sweet moments spent with my sisters. So much laughter released at a high-top table outside of Chimes in Covington. Surrounded by so many strangers who knew not a single thing about us but only heard the chaos coming from our table. But we didn't care. We were too excited about the three of us being alone together for the first time in over 5 years. We took so many pictures; so many selfies. We honestly did not care about the older couple walking down to the waterfront staring at us as we made such ugly faces in the pictures we were taking. We did not care about the man paddling down the river in his kayak, who could clearly see my other sisters 'droppin it like it's hot' as I sat on the dirty bench just a clicking away and capturing the moments. What the older couple walking down to the waterfront and the man kayaking didn't know was that we three were sisters and we hadn't been able to have dinner, just the three of us, in over 5 years. 

In our mid-teen years, we became separated into different families, different lifestyles, different schools, different churches, new sisters and brothers. Our lives that once were the same, became very distinct in differences. We no longer saw each other every morning, every evening, every night. Although Lorena and I stayed pretty close in our relationship, the relationship we had with Kasey dissipated as the days passed. Underneath the childhood anger we had with one another, was a love and bond we cherished. A love and a bond that lasted through extremely difficult circumstances. A love and bond that despite the odds, fought through the tough battles that screamed at us to forget one another.
Not only with one another, but with ourselves individually. 

The hand of Christ has been on our lives since the very beginning. If it had not been for that, we three would be drug addicts, alcoholics, or anything else on those lines. We could have taken what was done to us and the things we saw and allowed it to make us those addicts and alcoholics that life said we should've been. But we did not. We beat the odds and statistics that said we'd never accomplish anything in life because we trusted in God and still do trust in God to use our testimonies. To use our hurts, our brokenness and make it into this beautiful creation more than any of us could ever fathom.


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