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Being Who I Needed When I Was Younger

If you've been following me on facebook, I'm sure you are aware that I now have three girls in my care. Three precious girls who at such a young age have already experienced much trauma which honestly makes the whole "raising" them quite difficult. I'm twenty four with no children of my own, never really been in a relationship and still healing from my own trauma. So to say that this has been a H U G E roller coaster is quite the understatement. But, with each passing day we have made it through. Sometimes barely and other times with flying colors.     The first few weeks were awful, and again quite the under statement. If I'm being honest, I wasn't in the correct state to even take on children. I was barely getting myself out of the bed. I was in such a large pit that adding three children was NEVER apart of my plan. (L O L, "my plan" little did I know). Once I got the girls, things actually went downhill. One of the girls had a really hard time...

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